
Nov. 15

6 Outdoor Activities for Kids [Plus Prep Tips to Ensure a Fun Day Out]

A day out with kids? You never know how that will turn out. That’s why we've paired 6 outdoor activities for kids with prep tips to help you out.


Parents crossing the zebra crossing with their kids in a stroller wagon

Feel like you need an exit ticket out of an everyday house routine? Then taking your kids outdoors is in order (even if you deem it mission impossible). 

The truth is it can be overwhelming. Consider the practicalities—you’ve just arrived at a lovely nature spot, and baby one tugs at your arm in an attempt at her favorite snack, while baby two is cranky for not getting enough nap time. 

Soon enough, a day out turns into an erratic event (if you’re a parent yourself, I bet you’ll have a few ideas on what can go wrong). 

But enjoying fun outdoor activities with your kids is possible.

It’s manageable with some planning, and today, we’ll help you plan. We've thought out the logistics and paired some fun outdoor activities with prep tips to help you see your mission through.   

Here’s some ideas for the outdoors.

1. Make a DIY Bird’s Nest

Making a DIY bird’s nest is one of the simplest outdoor activities for kids—it can’t get more simple than that. It’s a perfect activity choice when spring beckons with its warm, inviting sun and enjoyable fresh breeze. 

This activity guarantees lots of fun—even for little kids—as the project requires fine motor skills but nothing too fancy or advanced. You don’t even have to have your own backyard.  

To make your DIY bird’s nest, head to a park and collect some twigs and leaves. Cross a few twigs over one another and start weaving the ends while holding them at the base. This makes the structure stable. 

Entwine the twigs one at a time by pulling them through, up and down, along the base, making circular motions. Work your way up until you finish your bird’s nest. Just like in the below video:

How to Prep for Your Bird’s Nest Project? 

No elaborate preparation is needed. You only need a few bird pegs to hang your DIY nest, and some play dough and feathers as a bonus decoration when finished.  

And the best part? Your kids will get more physical activity as they look for suitable twigs in the park. 

All the prep you need boils down to getting from point A to point B, and that’s what you’ll need your stroller wagon for. 

Taking the kids to the park this way is a breeze, even if green areas are few and far between.

WonderFold stroller wagons have all the space your kids could wish for—enough for them to stretch out when play becomes too tiresome. There’s ample room to stash your bird nest accessories in, too, and emergency items such as diaper bags, snacks, and lunch.

2. Get Creative With Outdoor Art Projects

Having fun is too good to miss out on, and a touch of art can make fun outdoor activities more engaging. Your kids with an artistic fling will appreciate it, and there’ll be less mess in your house—that’s for sure. 

Kids love getting creative and making their own works of art. But what do you need for your arts and crafts session outside?

Below are some ideas on the direction you can go with your outdoor art activities, and what essentials you’ll need. 

How to Prep for Your Outdoor Art Project? 

Outdoor Activities for Kids—Outdoor Art Projects 

Arts & Crafts Session 

Take your kids’ folding table, scissors, pens, paints, and glue, and head to the local park for some real artsy excitement. 

Nature Art

Collect flowers, leaves, sticks, and seeds to create natural artwork like ikebanas and nature crowns. 

Outdoor Painting

Bring an easel and paint outdoors. Having your kids' art materials in a natural setting will inspire them to paint flamboyant nature scenes.

Art activities allow for plenty of outdoor time for your little kids, be it at a local park or your neighbor’s backyard. So, pack your art supplies (a good stroller wagon will fit a clipboard and even your kids’ folding table) and take the day to enjoy the outdoors. 

3. Hit the Beach on a Sunny Day 

Hitting the beach on a sunny day is one of the most exciting outdoor activities for kids. Find a family-friendly beach, ocean, river, lake, or pond—and enjoy it to your heart’s content.

A beach day is a perfect chance for gadget-free time and family bonding. Stay in the moment and enjoy watching your kids play. 

Let’s face it; it isn’t too much hassle to get the kids involved when it comes to beach activities. Paddling, wading, sandcastles, and ball games are fun ideas to try out. 

And they surely won’t get tired of swimming. If they do, pull out the snacks and water at the crucial moment, and you'll have them covered.   

How to Prep for a Beach Day? 

Don’t forget to take your kid’s favorite beach gear with you—and you don’t have to be too hard on them while choosing what to bring. 

WonderFold stroller wagons can hold up to 300 pounds—and packing your fave outdoor toys and picnic blankets is a perfect way to test their holding capacity. 

This also means you won’t have worry about making them choose that rake over a spade due to lack of space. Especially with detachable seats—you can remove them to make more room for goodies. 

And there’s more. When too much sun takes the best of those kiddos, reattach the seats and buckle them to sleep.  

4. Go Camping

A boy and a girl climbing trees in the woods
(Image source: Unsplash)

An outdoor activity like camping allows you to unplug and enjoy everything nature has to offer. Your kids can relish physical activities like skipping and hopping, getting their hands in the dirt, and getting messy.

Whether you set out into the wilderness or head out for a campground just off the freeway, the natural surroundings will help you stay in the moment and enjoy your family time. 

Nature encourages physical exploration and imagination, but you’ll want to prep some extra toys and materials for emergencies. 

How to Prep for Your Camping Trip? 

Make sure your camping gear is ready, and pack items such as outdoor writing materials, paper, crayons, an outdoor dartboard, frisbees, or even a kiddie pool if the weather is warm. The more, the better, as you want to keep your kids covered when they get all antsy and picky regarding toys.

The best part is you can always find plenty of play material on-site:

  • Logs for climbing
  • Boulders to sit on 
  • Tree stumps for jumping off
  • Plants, acorns, and gravel for throwing 

WonderFold stroller wagons feature all-terrain wheels, opening up options for more inaccessible campgrounds. You can also use a stroller wagon to easily hoist your camping gear from the car to the camping grounds. Just tuck them under the seats—our 300 lbs stroller wagon carrying capacity will take it.

5. Try Some Fun Outdoor Play in the Rain 

Four kids wearing dirty rain boots and warm and cozy autumn outfits

(Image source: Unsplash)

Who doesn't like a good play in the rain? Splashing in puddles is one of the most enjoyable outdoor activities if you ask the little ones. Kids engage in it naturally.

Having outdoor fun in the rain guarantees a good time, even for younger kids. Tell your children to put on their boots and don raincoats, and you're all set.

There are loads of fun activities in the rain. Try experimenting with what floats in a puddle or dam up rivulets of water. Or make sidewalk chalk on wet pavement—watch chalk-drawn objects turn into watercolor-painted shapes—your kids will love it.  

How to Prep for Your Rainy Day? 

Raincoats and rain boots are a must. Stash some snacks, too, so your kids can refuel when needed, and some umbrellas if the excitement wears off and they suddenly decide they hate rain.

Take some extra towels, too. We all know what goes on when there's mud and a bunch of children start running amuck.

6. Take a Family Walk

A smartly dressed mom pushing her kids in an enclosed stroller wagon

Having a busy day doesn’t mean you should miss out on your favorite outdoor activities for kids. A walk around the block is always an option, but you can opt for a nature walk or explore new areas together as a family. 

It makes for great outdoor play for kids—and the bonus? You’ll spend some time in the fresh air, away from your electronic gadgets. 

How to Prep for Your Family Walk? 

To take the whole family out for some outdoor activity, unfold your stroller wagon, seat your kids, put in all the essentials, and you're ready. Pack lots of spare clothes, load up on snacks and drinks, and don't forget to plan your route—you don't want your walk to last longer than needed.

A good stroller wagon will easily take you to the nearest park or playground, but it can handle those spur-of-the-moment decisions when the kids are slightly tired. 

WonderFold stroller wagons include adjustable handlebars to make life easier for you and your back. They feature magnetic five-point safety harnesses to keep your kids in place while they enjoy the environment. 

Our stroller wagons also boast an adjustable canopy to give your kids a complete view of their surroundings. This makes stroller wagons a kids' favorite place to ride, and they’re roomy enough for snacks, stuffies, friends, and pets. 

Fun Outdoor Activities: Your Next Steps

So, there you go, 6 outdoor activities for kids that most children will love. We understand activities involving kids rarely turn out the way you’ve planned, so we included a few prep tips to help the activity end positively.  

Having a stroller wagon with you will make your next trip outdoors a joyride—next, you can go on and make it your family tradition. 

WonderFold makes toting tired kids, snacks, and park gear easier. Our products ensure the kids’ safety and the parent’s comfort and ease

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We’re a customer centered brand and, we don’t only provide premium wagons. We make it our mission to help you set healthier goals, like getting more fresh air and achieving a better quality of life for yourself and others.  

As part of our monthly WonderFold Cares program, we gift our wagons to charitable organizations and families in need. Life is about counting our blessings and extending a helping hand to those in need

So, join us in making stroller wagons better, our family community brighter, and the world a little better place to live in. Visit our online shop, browse our blog pages, and don’t forget to spread the word. 

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