
Jun. 12

WonderFold Cares: Changing Lives, One Wagon at a Time

We are thrilled to introduce you to some of the recipients of WonderFold Cares for the second quarter. While we are highlighting just six inspiring stories here, we are incredibly proud to share that we donated 30 wagons to 30 deserving families this quarter!


WonderFold Cares: Changing Lives, One Wagon at a Time

At WonderFold, family is at the heart of everything we do. As a mother, I understand firsthand the challenges and joys of raising children. I know the importance of transporting my children safely and conveniently to doctor visits, grocery trips, and all the adventures that come our way. This personal experience fuels our commitment to support families in need, which is why we are so dedicated to donating 10 wagons each month to those who can benefit from them the most.

The families featured below share a common trait: strength. Their stories deeply touch our hearts and remind us that hope and perseverance can carry us through the toughest times. From overcoming personal hardships to celebrating small victories, these families embody the resilience and courage that inspire us every day.

We hope these stories resonate with you as much as they do with us. They are a testament to the incredible strength of the human spirit and the power of community support. As we continue our mission to assist more families in the coming months, we are grateful for the opportunity to make a difference, one wagon at a time.


Discover the Heartwarming Journey of the Jacobs Family: Navigating Autism with Joy and Love


Meet the Jacobs family! Their eldest, four-year-old Cairo, brings endless joy despite the challenges he faces with autism, a diagnosis they learned of when he turned two.

Cairo is the heart of their family, filling their home with laughter and love each day. However, as he grows, their need for safer transportation increases. Their double stroller at that time no longer suits Cairo's adventurous spirit, as he often finds ways to wriggle free, much to his mother’s worry.

Understanding the importance of keeping Cairo safe during their outings, the Jacobs family sees a wagon as more than just a mode of transport. It's a symbol of security and togetherness, allowing them to explore the world while keeping their little explorer safe by their side.


Love and Perseverance: Widowed Mom Thrives While Caring for Her Twins

Beverli’s twin joys made their early debut into the world at 27 weeks, spending their first months in the NICU. Despite facing numerous health challenges and undergoing several surgeries, her son is making heartwarming progress—eating by mouth, drinking thickened liquids, and learning new skills. His energetic twin sister has been a source of encouragement and joy.

As a devoted widow managing his care, Beverli gracefully handles medical appointments and his mobility needs. Their W4 Elite stroller wagon will be a tremendous help, keeping her kids safe and ensuring all necessary supplies are within reach, allowing Beverli to focus more on enjoying precious moments with her children.

Empowering Family Resilience: A W4 Elite Wagon Eases Health Journey for a Courageous Family

Dominic was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 15 months, with cancer returning twice by age 3.5. He has undergone multiple treatments and surgeries and has been NED since February 2020 after his third tumor was removed. Recently, Dominic faced additional health complications and hospitalizations.

Dominic's siblings, Luca and Rosie,  also have significant health challenges. Both were both born prematurely and spent months in the NICU. Managing all their specialist appointments is challenging, but their new W4 Elite stroller wagon will make transporting the children and necessary medical supplies much smoother.

From Hospital to Home: Cecil's Journey of Resilience and Hope

When Cecil was born, his family had no idea what extraordinary journey lay ahead. From the beginning, Cecil showed incredible resilience, undergoing immediate surgery and facing numerous medical challenges with courage. Undeterred by the 3.5-hour drive, his parents visited him regularly while balancing care for their other children despite the hurdles of COVID-19 precautions.

In March, the long-awaited day arrived—Cecil came home. Though his return brought immense joy, it also presented new challenges. Outings require meticulous planning due to the medical equipment Cecil needs. At 20 months old, Cecil isn’t walking yet and weighs 30 pounds, making mobility a challenge.

Their W2 Elite will not only help manage Cecil’s equipment but also accommodate their younger baby, allowing the whole family to enjoy outings together. Providing a future filled with possibilities and adventures, making every trip a bit easier and more enjoyable.

Embracing Strength and Determination: Louise's Remarkable Journey

From the moment Louise entered the world in 2020, she embodied the resilience and courage encapsulated in every letter of the word CHARGE. Her family's unwavering support and dedication have been evident in every step of her journey, as they relied on an extra-large stroller to accompany Louise and her essential supplies through nearly three years of challenges and triumphs

As Louise approaches her third birthday, her family embraces a new realization: a missing letter in CHARGE, the "S" for Stubborn. This inherent stubbornness has also been the driving force behind Louise's ability to persevere and overcome obstacles with unwavering determination. Despite her young age, Louise insists she's outgrown the stroller, prompting her mother to single-handedly manage all their equipment through every outing.

The introduction of the W4 Elite marks a transformative moment in Louise's journey. This innovative solution not only streamlines the logistics of carrying supplies but also provides Louise with the independence and empowerment she craves, offering her the coveted big-girl seat she desires.

Finding Hope in Adversity: Talon & Teagan's Inspirational Journey

When Talon was just 18 months old, his parents noticed a significant change—he lost all his words. Over the following year, they watched him struggle to adapt to their world, experiencing a loop of sensory seeking and frustration. At age 3, Talon received a diagnosis that brought new challenges, but his family remained determined to support him.

Their journey took another unexpected turn when Talon's baby sister, Teagen, woke up one morning limping. Months of worry and medical appointments followed, culminating in a diagnosis that added to their family's resilience.

Despite the challenges they face, Talon and Teagen continue to inspire with their unique personalities and boundless energy. Talon's love for the outdoors and Teagen's fascination with dinosaurs create moments of joy amidst the chaos of therapies and appointments.

Balancing Talon's need for sensory stimulation with Teagen's health requires careful planning, but their family remains hopeful for the future. With their new W4 Elite, the journey ahead looks bright.


Now, it's your time to shine! Do you or someone you know need a WonderFold? Head over to our dedicated WonderFold Cares tab on our website. There, you can share your own story or nominate someone else in need!



My son is 3 years old recently diagnosed with autism. My son is what they consider a “eloper”. It is hard to go out in public with him because of this. Any chance he can get he takes off. I feel horrible that we have to stay inside most of the summer because of this. We would love to have a wagon and get to enjoy the summer!

Thank You!

Ashley Hacker

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