
May. 03

WonderFold Acts of Kindness | May 2021

We combine thoughtful design with important safety
features so that you can make the most of family time.


WonderFold Acts of Kindness | May 2021

Our goal for our WonderFold Acts of Kindness is to provide families who need it most with the stroller wagon of their dreams. With the help of our amazing customers, we have been able to gift a total of 17 stroller wagons this year to deserving families! This month a few families were sweet enough to share their touching stories.

The Krieger Family

“The Kriegers are one of the most inspirational families I know. In 2017 their third child, Fritz, was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - a terminal illness with no cure... yet! This news hit them hard. It hit their whole "village" hard and they have quite the village.

Their grief did not stop them from living life. Within months of Fritz's diagnosis, they started a non profit (Fritz and Friends) to raise money for research in order to find a cure for Duchenne. This non profit has been very active reaching people all over their country. Sarah shares the most intimate parts of their lives with their followers. She lets us into the good times and the difficult ones. It's raw and it's real.

At 5 years old, Fritz's muscles are already deteriorating which prevents him from walking very far and keeping up with his two older brothers and younger sister. This wagon would allow the Kriegers to continue living life to the fullest... to continue their adventure filled life. It would allow Fritz to experience those adventures instead of being left behind.
I cannot think of a more worthy family.”-Laura Blank friends of the Kreiger Family

The Clark Family

“I want to nominate myself. Motherhood has been quite a journey for me. I met the love of my life and we started a family almost instantly. Three months after my beautiful daughter was born she passed away from SIDS. Soon after that I brought my second child into the world, my son. Through all the ups and downs of being a second-first time mom I have learned nothing but appreciation for the little ray of sunshine he is. I am currently pregnant with her third child. As excited as we are, Pregnancy after loss is always hard. And during this COVID-19 pandemic, things are even harder. Both my husband and I are healthcare workers, we are both respiratory therapist working hard to help those with COVID-19. We Risk our lives every day with high exposure rates within our field. Having a wonderfold wagon to stroll our kids around in would absolutely make our year!! My little guy loves to be outside and enjoying outdoor time with him really takes away the stresses and pressures of this crazy world. Sincerely hoping to be one of the lucky few :)”

Angelina and Jeremy

“My good friend Angel and her husband Jeremy went through years of infertility after the birth of their 1st child together. They exhausted all options and was on the path to IVF. They conceived triplets their first round of IVF meds. We are so excited for them and know this would be a godsend to them. Angel is a front-line essential worker and has worked her booty off while pregnant with triplets. She deserves the chance to win this wonderful wagon as its high on her wish list and with everything she has went through, the high risk pregnancy, working the front lines during a pandemic pregnant with triplets, all the extra doctors appointments, the cost of everything for triplets, the chance to win this would be amazing for them as I know they have been saving every chance they can. They really like the option to cover the triplets with the see through cover to keep them healthy while not being able to wear a mask at such a young age. Thanks again for considering them. They truly are great people!”-Kayte Drew friend of Angelina


We were also able to support multiple other organizations this quarter with various donations, and look forward to building relationships with other organizations that have supported our Special Needs Community! If you or someone you know have worked with an organization that you think would benefit from a WonderFold Wagon, please reach out to and we would love to discuss it further! Our goal is to raise awareness and help as many families as possible live their best WonderFold lives. 

If you would like to nominate someone for our WonderFold Acts of Kindness program, please feel free to click the link below and give us as much information as possible! We wish we could pick everyone, and try to do our best to pick families we feel who’s lives can be changed with one of our stroller wagons. 

A WonderFold Act Of Kindness Program



I have 2 kids, my son loves to run off and he is hard of hearing. Scares me when I take him outside. Having a bad back doesn’t help. I would like to take my kids off for walks, parks and so much more. Where they are comfortable also. We live in Florida, hot and humid the canopy would be so nice. I know my kids would enjoy it as much as me.❤


Hello I’m a mom of 3 wonderful kids. And I’d really want to have one of this ASAP. I’m browsing maybe five times a day with type of wagon. I’m inlove for sure! Hopefully I will get one soon … How DO I get discount😀 . ? Please notify if you have stock. I’m so so excited to get one😀🤩.

Ernila Arucan

I have a 6 year old with a. Trach and g tube and it gets hard having to carry all his bags by hand. I also have 2 autism twins so to be able to fine a wagon like this to fit all three with his equipment is great. I wish we were able to be gifted something like this because it’s a little out of price range

Adriana Sanchez

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