
Jul. 21

WonderFold Acts of Kindness | June 2021


WonderFold Acts of Kindness | June 2021

Last month we were blown away by the number of families who reached out to nominate their local charities and organizations. We love hearing stories about people and groups that go above and beyond to help our WonderFold Fam. We have to agree they are pretty fabulous!!!

That’s why we are gifting not only directly to families but to well-deserving groups too! We feel connected to each family we read about, each submission tells a different story, even if for the same family. Here are a few stories submitted that were selected for the month of June.

"I nominate myself for my 21-month-old special needs son. He has hydrocephalus, cortical visual impairment, epilepsy, and asthma. This wagon will change our lives! Currently struggling to carry all of his equipment around that a normal stroller just isn't compatible for his needs. He does not have head or trunk control so this wagon will allow him to lay down comfortably all while having space for his oxygen monitor and suction machine. Currently don't have the funds to purchase this amazing wagon since we pay a lot for medications and other things. A mother shouldn't have to stress about having a compatible stroller for their child, all while having to worry about the medical issues going on with their baby. If I'm chosen I would be incredibly grateful and our life will be changed." - Argentinia Daniels


"I would like to nominate my daughter Alondra. She is a true preemie warrior, born at 24-ish weeks, and has overcome many MANY big scares! On 12/07/2020, I was admitted to the hospital due to significant high blood pressure and the beginning stages of kidney failure. My OB informed me I would now live the rest of my pregnancy in the hospital. As days go on my blood pressure, headaches and kidneys were getting worse, even after multiple changes in medication regimens. On 12/18/2020, I began having decelerations and it was decided that I would need to have an emergency C-section. I had “one of the worst cases” my OB has ever taken on. My beautiful baby girl Alondra Marie came into this world weighing in at 1.12lbs and measuring 12.25 inches. Praying every day, she has overcome some tough moments. She has been currently diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy of prematurity, Staphylococcus aureus, Patent ductus arteriosus, needed PDA heart Ligation, over 5 blood transfusions, PT/ OT, and laser eye surgery, among other procedures.

My husband and I know that we are in for the long haul even once going home, we will have multiple appointments including possibly having a trach tube (still in discussion with her specialist), speech therapy, ophthalmology, and PT/OT. We would love to have her live the best “normal” life possible but understand that it will not be easy and having to carry her, her medical supplies, and her diaper bag. Having a WonderFold wagon would benefit us so much, we are often carrying so much in and out of the hospital. We would love to walk her around the hospital but cannot be due to not having something that can hold her portable ventilator and car seat all at the same time without worrying about someone walking ahead/ behind potentially disconnecting and important machinery to her health.

Funny story my 9 y/o son drew a picture of her in a pink wagon, when we came across Wonderfold's page, he said “mom that’s it! That’s the one that I can help and push my sister in!” Even my 14 y/o son said, “mom that would make your life so much easier, I know you are worried about even just leaving home!” Sadly, he is right, I cannot even begin to think of how I will get around with everything she needs without me huddled over her every second.
At the moment, we do not have the means for a WonderFold, as we are overwhelmed with medical bills, home bills and maintenance, and unexpected expenses.

Having a WonderFold wagon would change not only Alondra’s life but all our lives, we would be able to help her live her best life and making all of us smile being able to enjoy our outings and making new memories together as a family of 5." -Josefina Guitierrez


“Morgan’s son Henry has Angelman Syndrome, which is a rare neurogenetic disorder.  He has delays in physical and cognitive abilities.  Henry is unable to walk or talk.  The first year of Henry’s life was extremely difficult trying to figure out what the issue was.  He saw doctors in TN, KY, and OH.  While awaiting the results of genetic testing, Henry had several hospitalizations, surgeries, specialists, and therapies.  Henry is now established as a patient at Vanderbilt.  Since they live in Kentucky, there are lots of trips back and forth that place constant financial pressure on the family.  In addition to Henry’s complex medical needs, the family is excited for Henry to become a big brother in September.  Henry’s lack of mobility coupled with the addition of a new baby, Morgan has been looking for a solution to be able to transport both children while keeping as much of Henry’s independence as possible.  They want him to still feel like a “big boy” and have a safe and comfortable place to sit.  This wagon would do just that!  She has been saving for months, but this becomes less of a priority when other appointments arise.  Thank you for considering my dear friend!” -Lauren McQueary, friend of the family.


We were also able to support multiple other organizations this quarter with various donations, and look forward to building relationships with other organizations that have supported our Special Needs Community! If you or someone you know have worked with an organization that you think would benefit from a donation of a WonderFold Wagon, please reach out to and we would love to discuss it further! Our goal is to raise awareness and help as many families as possible live their best WonderFold lives. 

If you would like to nominate someone for our WonderFold Acts of Kindness program, please feel free to click the link below and give us as much information as possible! We wish we could pick everyone, and try to do our best to pick families we feel whose lives can be changed with one of our stroller wagons and for whatever reason are unable to financially afford one at this moment. 

A WonderFold Act Of Kindness


I want to nominate my 3 year old son who is a spastic quad CP warrior. He suffered sudden cardiac arrest at 5 months old. His hypoxic brain injury left him with CP, CVI, no trunk control and dysphagia. But, that has not stopped him. He is the bravest, sweetest little boy. His smile absolutely lights up a room and I am so proud to be his mom. The wonderfold wagon would be a game changer for our family since we also have a 1 year old. It can be difficult to pack a wheelchair and stroller in our car. Thus, we can’t do a lot family things together. I imagine using this wagon to go on family trips to the park and beach and have plenty of room to pack his equipment. Please please choose my little warrior, we would be beyond grateful for this!

Veronica C.

I would like to nominate my22 month old airway warrior nephew Conor. Hes been through so much in his little life. Conor was born with laryngomalacia and hes fought to be here had surgery as a new born to help correct his airway disorder(but unfortunately it isnt a cure). Today Conor still continues to battle his way hes has a gtube to get most nutrition and hydration he has speech delays and wear braces on his feet to help him keep his balance. I think Conor and his mama would really benefit with a wonderfold wagon conor cant walk long distances and he has alot of equipment that has to come with him anywhere he goes and its just to much for a regular stroller.

Amanda Q

I would like to nominate my daughter HONOR sky who is on the spectrum she loves goin out but doesn’t walk , so its been a hard summer for her and us .we have been dreaming of a wagon like this … 100% this wud change our entire lives …we live in the city and its hard having to get everywhere on foot . We carry her and she s a tall 6 yr old …I’m literally in tears this willl change everything for us ….u have no idea the struggles with a child with autism . The scratches and hair pulling and bitting ,the tantrums would all come to a end with more outings …pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pick us. Desperately yours the Perez family


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