As 2021 comes to an end we have been gearing up for the greatest season of giving WonderFold has ever seen. While visions of sugar plums danced in your heads, we thought how can we make our vision BIGGER?!
To kick off our season of giving we planned an event at the Los Angeles Zoo, and who better to give WonderFold Wagons away than our very own WonderFold Fairy….
And so it happened...
We gave away a total of TWENTY FIVE wagons to lucky families, thousands in gift cards and so much WF swag… Needless to say, the first WonderFold Fairy event was a HUGE success!
Not only do we want to help families make memories like at the zoo event, but we also want to help families who have hit a hard place in life financially.

Whether the financial struggle came from the pandemic, being a military family with limited resources, or a family with a special needs child. We want to be able to help. We have had thousands of people write in to nominate a friend or family member for our WonderFold Cares program.
Reading each one of these submissions made us realize we wanted to help as many as possible. That is why we choose families like a sweet 9 year old girl who recently lost her ability to walk. Upon being discharged after two long months in the hospital we wanted to help give her mom a piece of mind and an easier time transporting her. Having a W4 Quad Stroller Wagon, her mom is now able to take her out by herself again along with anything she may need. We look forward to hearing more about their adventures and all of the places their WonderFold will take them!
If you or someone you know is in need of a WonderFold Wagon and don’t see it in the cards financially for whatever reason, please nominate on our website at WonderFold Cares. We are also always looking for amazing organizations to partner with to help on a more personal level. If you or a close friend or family member have been assisted by an organization we would love to get in touch! Please email and include as much contact information as possible for us to reach out!