
Jul. 09

How to Get the Most Out of Your WonderFold Wagon This Spring

Tired of juggling strollers, storage, and sibling squabbles on family outings? The WonderFold W-Series stroller wagons are the perfect all-in-one solution for parents on the go. Whether you're heading to the park, zoo, beach, or just running errands, these versatile wagons offer spacious seating, ample storage, and all-terrain wheels to make every adventure stress-free. Say goodbye to stroller struggles and hello to effortless family fun!


Mom playfully pushes WonderFold stroller wagon with kids by the marina in a cityscape setting
Mom playfully pushes WonderFold stroller wagon with kids by the marina in a cityscape setting

You’re at the county fair with your kids, and it’s a brutally hot day. People are staring as your baby is crying, one of your kids is running circles around you, and the other is throwing a tantrum about not getting a turn in the stroller. The sun is blazing, the stroller canopy doesn’t come down far enough to keep shade over the little one, and for goodness sake, where did you put those fruit snacks!?

Have you been there?

Your stroller just doesn't cut it anymore. Your family has doubled in size since you bought it, and someone is always without a seat. Cue the fighting over who gets to ride in the stroller. Not to mention, you have hardly any storage other than that tiny basket!

You've looked into investing in a baby wagon. You've searched everywhere for the best wagon for kids, but everything you find is bulky and lacking the features that your family needs.

If you want something that will grow with your family, hold up for years to come, and is perfect for all seasons, our W Series wagons are perfect for you.

1. Perfect for the Park

Pregnant mom smiling beside WonderFold stroller wagon carrying three children at a park

Pack some snacks, round-up the kids, and don't forget your wagon – it's a park day! Our wagons make park days with the little ones a breeze.

​Are you taking only a couple of kids? Our W2 Original Stroller Wagon has two seats, with a deep carriage and footwell which allows each child their own space. Are you planning on taking more kiddos? No problem! Our W4 Elite Stroller Wagon has got you covered! It includes all of the same great features, plus four total seats!

Stroll through the beautiful park gardens while your little babes have a shaded, front row seat. Make a stop at the playground and let the older kids enjoy the slides and swings, while you transform your WonderFold W​agon into a safe, shaded spot for your little ones to enjoy their afternoon snooze at the park.

2. A Necessity for the Zoo

Three toddlers enjoying a ride in a WonderFold wagon during a visit to the zoo

Zoo trips are always a family favorite – that is, until your kids get tired of walking. Cue the complaints of tired feet and being too hot! We've worked hard on our WonderFold wagons to ensure they address the problems faced during adventures with kids.

Our W Series wagons are a godsend for those long days at the zoo. When your kids get tired of walking, there's no need to strain your back lifting them into the wagon. We've made it easy to get in and out with a zip front closure giving them instant access to crawl into the carriage of the wagon. Inside of the wagon, they'll be able to see all of the animals while sitting comfortably in the shade – like a little safari!

With the deep carriage and high-weight capacity, you'll have plenty of storage for all of the zoo souvenirs! As far as your kids wanting to take home an actual elephant, our weight capacity is high, but not that high! You'll have to hash that one out with the zoo staff!

3. Simplifies Shopping Trips

Two toddlers seated in a WonderFold W1 stroller wagon during a shopping trip at a store

It's spring-time, and you're ready to stock up on fresh fruit and plenty of snacks! Grocery trips are made easy with WonderFold Wagon!

Our W Series Wagons are the best push-handle wagon with seats – it's like your stroller and shopping cart all-in-one! Your little ones will have a comfy place to sit as you peruse the aisles and try to remember if you are out of eggs at home.

The deep carriage allows plenty of space to store groceries and kiddos, and is much more comfortable and sanitary than those metal shopping carts. And with your kiddos content in the carriage, feel free to take the extra time to pick out a bottle of wine and a treat for yourself. You’ve earned it!

After you've finished up at the grocery, our wagons make packing up easy! Just load all of your groceries into the trunk, buckle your kids into their car seats, fold up your wagon, and slide it in next to the groceries! Once you get home, pop your WonderFold W​agon open, load all of the groceries into it, and wheel them straight to the pantry in one trip! Seriously, it doesn't get any easier!

4. The Best Wagon for the Beach

Two toddlers in WonderFold wagon on a sandy beach, looking out at the ocean

If you're planning a family trip to the beach for spring break, our WonderFold wagon is a necessity!

Our W4 Elite Stroller Wagon Wagon is spacious enough to fit all of your beach day essentials! From beach towels to sand toys, you'll have a spot for it all. Using the side pockets, you can store easy-access items like snacks, sunscreen, and water bottles.

Kiss sunburn goodbye and keep a shady spot with you everywhere you go with the wagons adjustable canopy – gone are the days of fighting with the pesky beach umbrella! A wagon with a canopy is the perfect place to get out of the sun and eat a quick snack!

Bonus tip: Clip a portable fan to the canopy rods so your little one will have an extra cool place to hang out between building sandcastles!

Do you have a baby who isn't quite ready to play in the sand yet? No worries, our W4 Elite Stroller Wagon Wagon offers bassinet features with a sturdy, well-ventilated carriage so you can let your infant nap without you having to leave the beach! With a front-zip closure, you have easy access to the base – making the perfect spot for an on-the-beach diaper change!

5. A Must-Have for Day-Trips

Three toddlers enjoying a WonderFold wagon ride on a nature trail surrounded by redwood trees

Make the most out of your spring day-trip by bringing along your W Series WonderFold Wagon!

Whether you're planning a trip to your favorite city, or you're going to a nearby attraction, our wagons are the best all-terrain wagon! You'll be able to tour the town or stroll through a local garden with ease. Save your back and toss your diaper bag in the wagon, or leave the diaper bag at home and use the wagons multiple side pockets to store all of your day-trip essentials!

Are you worried about the weather? Don't let the rain ruin your plans! Spring-time is known for its rain showers, but our W Series Wagon will have your kids covered, literally! While using the wagons push-handle, you'll be able to hold onto your umbrella too – everyone wins! That's right, no more running for shelter while trying to keep them, and yourself, dry!

If you want to maximize your fun this spring and get the most out of your travel accessories, you need a WonderFold Wagon. Its stroller-wagon capability, combined with an abundance of features, makes it the best wagon for kids and the ultimate spring must-have.

Make Some Memories

Spring is the perfect time to get out of the house and go on adventures! With our W-Series Wagon, you’ll be able to focus on getting your kiddos from point A to point B, instead of struggling to stay organized and sane.

We’ve crafted our wagons with you and your lively family in mind. You'll always have a shady spot for them to get out of the sun, a safe place for them to sit while riding, a comfortable bassinet option for baby snoozes, multiple pockets to hold necessities, a deep carriage for extra storage, and a push handle for smooth steering.

Our wagons are easy to fold up and take with you everywhere you go – making it even more fun to get out and make some memories with your kiddos! Did we mention you’ll never lose those fruit snacks again? Now, let's go have some fun!


Definitely not a beach cart if the sand is compacted, yes this can work if not and you have load..forget about this, I which they have convertible wheels


I purchased the W2 Elite to get the All Terain wheels for the beach, camping and other rough surfaces. The wagon wouldn’t budge in the sand, which was disappointing, as I won’t be able to use it as I had intended. Are there separate wheels that can be switched out with the All Terain that would be better on surfaces, like sand?


Please let me know if it’s available.

Trying To Purchase But Can't Do It

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